about me

I was born in the rural atmosphere of Canton Berne in Switzerland in 1957. After obtaining my teacher’s certificate for primary schools I went on to study arts and crafts and graduated with a diploma for teaching at high school level. I have been teaching in Langental since 1987.
Apart from teaching I have been active in other fields, e.g. forestry, carpentry and foundry work.
At the end oft he seventies I had my first contact with the early music scene. I was fascinated by the instruments and this led me to try my hand at building them myself. Research, instrument making, and musical performance are all part of the studio „All’antica“.
My knowledge of making period reed instruments is based on my practical experience as a bassoon player in various orchestras and chamber ensembles.

OrtinoMy activities as a cornetto player include concerts as a member of the group „Ortino Musicale“ (Basle) and other ad-hoc projects. I keep in touch with the „cornetto scene“ by regularly attending workshops offered by William Dongois and Judith Pacquier.

I also enjoy playing clarinet and saxophone in improvised concerts of the Latino- and Balkan band Salsic (www.salsic.ch).

